California When Is A Recovable Trust Revoked Why Is California The Bluest Red State In The Union?

Why is California the Bluest Red state in the Union? - california when is a recovable trust revoked

Why did the Republicans choose in California closely, but serve more as a democratic state?

Development example, California is very liberal and socially is much more than other sexually liberated Red States. It also has a good community college system, and moves ahead of most states when it comes to environmental protection and carbon dioxide reduction.

With the exception of taxes and gay marriage, voter initiatives are supported on sociability. The voting rights in more and more social programs and government spending.

They have even banned weapons than usual for a red state.


linlyons said...

California is a blue state. Really.
This does not mean that communities that redder than red.
Across the state, and country, we see more people in cities and towns They tend to be more democracy.
(but also richer cities tend to be Republicans.)
California has more people in cities.
But California suffers from "I will cut for someone to tax that promises to vote and I will vote for someone my taxes" syndrome increased.

California school system is a legacy system, built before the Prop-13 adopted.
If we start today it will never be built.

California is also a victim.
For example, Schwarzenegger Arnold Schwarzenegger was chosen because it is not because he is a Republican.
Prop-8 was due to the extraordinary height of the red states.
and Utah.
and just past.
This is because some fear that if California allows gay marriage, it would be a waterfall in the country.
which is probably true.

California has a problem with taxes - especially property taxes.
Quasi-13, dated back to 1970, limits property taxes to 1% of the purchase price of the property.
There are houses that has taken place for many years for the property taxes in the hundreds, not thousands of dollars.
My property tax is just over $ 6K, where is my house more than 1 million euros.
In fact, so bad that Warren Buffet complains that the state does not collect enough taxes.
(They, of course, listen to an idiot to complain that she is paying pay more. But after more than they would not set is the huge deficit of the state in.)

The legislature of California is suffering the same problem as the U.S. Senate have.
It must pass 2 / 3 vote, a budget.
and Republicans use the filibuster to block the Congress, Republicans in California, with a clear majority of 1 / 3, refuse to approve a budget.
University of California, registration has doubled more than once lately.
Recruitment for the State University has doubled as well.
Courses Junior College was $ 7 per class, when I was there.
Today is $ 78 (I think).
Estimates of primary and secondary schools are from the outside world this year.
and you must pay for parking, regardless of distance ort in the country where you are.

It is so bad that there is currently an initiative to prevent government money from cities.
Our town has adopted its own tax package, $ 300/property only to the financing of the school a few years ago.
I hope that something on the ballot again soon, because all classes are reduced.

Paul said...

I thought, Vermont and Maine "Blue" in Cali.

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